June 8, 2023
7 min
In a world that has gone digital, information and data are valuable assets. Companies must therefore take a close look at the protection and security of their data. One way to ensure good protection is to implement an information security management system (ISMS) in accordance with the international standard ISO/IEC 27001.
In this blog article, we provide a concise overview of the most important aspects of ISO 27001 and show why it is so crucial for companies. Learn how the path to certification can be made easier and faster.
ISO 27001 is a standard for the management of information security in companies, describing the requirements for the successful documentation and implementation of an information security management system (ISMS).
Nowadays, when the topic of information security plays an increasingly important role for companies, ISO 27001 is an important guide - for both large and small companies. In fact, not only large corporations use the ISO standard, but also small start-ups, especially those in the tech sector.
An information security management system (ISMS) defines the rules, methods and processes to ensure and continuously improve the organization's information security. This enables the availability, confidentiality and integrity of all information for employees, customers, suppliers and partners to be guaranteed.
The ISMS is especially relevant when companies process particularly sensitive and personal data, because then the interest in systematically managing information security and protecting this information is particularly high.
Because we all know it: data thefts are on the rise and are often the subject of media coverage - an unpleasant circumstance for affected companies. Now, the extent of a cyber attack does not always have to be a public issue, because even on a "private" scale, the effects can be devastating.
ISO 27001 therefore provides organizations of all sizes with qualified guidelines for planning, implementing, monitoring and improving their information security. With strict compliance, the confidentiality of operational and personal data can be guaranteed, and the ISMS also ensures an improvement of the entire IT infrastructure.
ISO27001 is not only a globally recognized standard for information security systems, but also the basis for other ISMS standards such as TISAX®, the information security standard for the German automotive industry.
With the ISO 27001 standard, companies bring structure to their information security management. Vulnerabilities are identified before they become security gaps.In addition, ISO27001 minimizes the impact of possible hacker attacks, data loss and misuse. If such an attack does occur, companies are able to track it down and repair it more quickly. In summary, this means: Damage is actively limited by ISO 27001 and systems are restored more quickly.
A certified ISMS also creates trust. A company has a duty to handle information from customers and business partners conscientiously. For many partners and customers, this is the criterion par excellence for cooperation. If a company gains trust, partners and customers will share their data. ISO 27001 is a renowned certification that shows business partners that they can trust a company. An ISO 27001 ISMS ensures that data is both used for its intended purpose and kept secure.
Security can also be seen as part of the corporate culture. This is because ISO 27001 considers the company as a whole and involves all departments in the protection of sensitive data. It calls for both management responsibility and employee training.Information security is firmly integrated into the company's daily routine and involves all employees. This has a positive effect on the business climate and creates transparency.
ISO27001 certification is worthwhile for almost all companies.However, the focus is particularly on KRITIS companies (especially those affected by NIS2), whose failure would result in significant disruptions to public safety or other dramatic consequences.
ISO 27001 supports the establishment, implementation and further development of a functional ISMS in these companies. The main element here is that data is adequately protected by various processes and mechanisms and that the availability of IT systems is ensured. Based on a risk analysis, a company then decides which measures are to be implemented and which risks are acceptable.
ISO 27001 is intended to ensure continuous information security, with the ISMS undergoing optimization and adaptation to new circumstances.
The PDCA cycle (Plan - Do - Check - Act) plays a decisive role here. The auditors regularly examine the current status and thus identify any need for action at an early stage. The standard is intended to identify existing risks, analyze them and eliminate them through qualified measures. In this way, confidential data is also protected and the risk of a cyber attack is minimized. Thus, ISO27001 is the perfect orientation for setting up an ISMS.
The following applies: Good preparation is the basic prerequisite for successful certification. Even through internal audits, companies can improve initial weak points in order to eventually obtain certification. For certification, the services of an independent, accredited certification body are used.
This has previously been tested on the basis of its competence, impartiality and performance in a rigorous evaluation process. SECJUR's information security experts will be happy to explain to you exactly how the certification process works and how you can obtain ISO 27001 certification as quickly as possible.
Hardware, software, processes, people, knowledge and much more - assets are everything that is of value to your company.ISO27001 helps you protect these assets.
Crucial to this is the so called asset register.
It contains
Based on this register, potential threats can thereby be collected, the damage assessed, the risk estimated, and measures defined. For example, the importance of an asset and the amount of potential damage has an influence on whether logging in with a password is sufficient or 2-factor authentication is recommended.
Setting up an ISMS according to ISO27001 is quite complex and should not be underestimated. SECJUR helps you with this.
With the DCO, the Digital Compliance Office, you can build a new ISMS and automate it directly. Thus, you achieve ISO27001 certification faster and save hundreds of hours of grueling work.
A functioning ISMS helps a company minimize security risks.The criteria for the successful establishment, successful implementation, and operation, monitoring, and continuous improvement of an ISMS are defined in the globally recognized ISO 27001 standard.
Therefore, this standard is of crucial importance for information security and an important concept in information security. ISO 27001 certification also ensures that a company gains and secures the trust of customers.
SECJUR stands for a world where companies are always compliant, but never have to think about compliance. With the Digital Compliance Office, companies automate time-consuming work steps and achieve compliance standards such as GDPR, ISO 27001 or TISAX® up to 50% faster.
Automate and streamline your compliance processes with our Digital Compliance Office
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